Hi Everyone,
Just an update on Fundraising and organisation for degree show-
The Catalogue has been sent to print after an astounding amount of sleepless, indesign filled nights for Lauren and the rest of the catalogue gang- so if you see Lauren, Taki, Luke or James remember to buy them a drink for all of their hard work.
Also on this note- Neil Stoker has the website up and running, so you should have recently received log-in details for the site so you can upload any photos/information about your work that you want.
Recently there has been a massive and successful push from the members of the fundraising team to get the last amounts of money that we need. The Homonculas event on Friday raised £460 (Thank you Benji, Annie, Kiera, Hazel, plus all others that helped with this event) and the Summer Fayre the previous Friday raised another £450 (Again, thank you to Joe an all the stall holders). We have also had various other things going on like ‘The Disney Boat Party’ and the ‘Made in Chelsea’ DVD launch. However, with at least 3 weeks to go before the PV, there are still ways to help raise a couple of £’s:
‘Made in Chelsea’ – A DVD containing 12 pieces of video art from different students in our year is available to buy at just £5 in aid of fundraising- If you would like to buy one of these DVD’s please contact: Joe Easeman- joe_easeman@live.co.uk (CG11)
Year Photo – The year Photo is still available to buy at £5 for an A4 copy and £8 for an A3 copy, again please contact Joe Easeman to order one, or to pick up and pay if you have already ordered. He has all of the prints in his studio, so please drop by and see him in CG11.
Organisation for degree show:
Student Contact Desk: As Gill said in the previous meeting, there will be a student contact desk timetable posted on the degree show board by the lecture theatre. Each slot is 2 hours and there are enough times throughout the show for everyone in our year to do 2 hours. So please sign up. While on the contact desk you will be expected to sit by the canteen and talk to visitors about work, help with maps and information about students etc
Student Price list: As discussed in the meeting last week, there is a price list organised by the college with a 20% commission. There has been in the past a price list made by students who do not want to pay commission on selling their work and would prefer to sell directly to the buyer without the colleges input. Sam Rudd has kindly proposed to make this list and support students in selling their artwork on a commission free basis. So if you would be interested please contact: Sam Rudd- sams_in_da_clouds@hotmail.com
Paint: There have been suggestions to buy some extra white paint this year, as it is known to run out every year, as Sharon can only order a certain amount. She has advised how much extra we would need to buy- however, as well as the white paint being needed there is also interest in getting some black paint as well- however I will need to estimate how much we need by people getting in touch with me if they are going to paint their spaces back. So please get in touch with me to let me know about your black paint needs: nataliebays@msn.com
Performance Timetable: If you are doing a performance during the private view and/or the week show, please let Tim Ridley know, as there will be a performance guide to be given out during the Private View and Show. He needs your performance times ASAP due to printing times so please get those to him as soon as possible: tim.ridley@yahoo.co.uk
Finally, I have managed to rope in 3 1st year students to help us out during the Private view (Catalogue/ drink giving out etc) however we will probably need about 3 or 4 more- so if you know any 1st or 2nd years that can be bribed easily with free drink and a catalogue, please put them in contact with me: nataliebays@msn.com
(P.s. we are still taking fundraising donations, so if you would like to give some money, please see myself or Joe at the end of the year meeting tomorrow/next week)
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