Friday, 18 March 2011

Fundraising Update

Fundraising and Catalogue update

Hello Everybody,

It is time for us to collect your photo entries for the catalogue. This information needs to be sent to us by the end of this month, so get choosing! Please read the attachment for full details of everything we need to know and that you need to do. If you have any problems with this information please contact Luke.

In terms of fundraising, to date we have raised approximately £3,800 for the end of year show/ catalogue; as you can probably tell- this is not very much in comparison to what we were aiming to raise (£10,000). However there is still hope, and with this hope comes some fantastic things going on in the name of fundraising!

There have been some fantastic events this term that have raised a substantial amount of money including the very classy Postcard Auction which, thanks to Ellie, Taki and many others raised over £2500 for the fundraising efforts, this was followed with The Last Post arranged by Benji and Annie which was also a fabulous event involving some brilliant music and a very unique raffle (More events like this to follow) We have also had a continuation of our regular, very tasty bake sales with thanks to Niomie and Tim.
We do have some new events coming up, so we would be very greatful if you could try and help/ participate as much as possible to try and raise those last ‘couple of pounds’ and to have a great time before we have to leave college.

Protest Day /Clothes Sale: Thursday 24th March
-There is a scheduled banner making event on the parade ground hosted by Sasha and Hazel in the parade ground on Thursday afternoon which is in preparation for the TUC protest on 26th March, to compliment this there is also going to be a clothes sale and hopefully some light refreshments for sale. This will also lead onto an event in the evening hosted by Utopia London. The event is open to all interested in the Friday protest and hopefully students from other UAL colleges will also be there for a social day- so please feel free to bring people along and spread the word (If you would like to know more about the protest and the banner making event please contact Sasha)
For this event we are looking for people that would like to sell clothes as well as clothes donators. Also if anyone could bake/cook/ pour tea/ run a stall in aid of fundraising. Please contact myself

Year Photo
As you may already know, the year photo is kindly being professionally printed by Barbara in A4 and A3. So if anyone would like a copy of this please contact myself or Joe to put your name on the printing list.
A4= £5
A3= £8
Again, all money goes towards fundraising, so please contact me or Joe

Chelsea Artists DVD
There are plans to make a DVD of artworks to sell for funds, of student and Tutor work. We will be asking tutors to submit as well as anyone from our year. We would like submissions of either video work of around 6mins or shorter, or a selection of stills. If you would like to donate a work or even a segment of a work please contact myself or Joe and we will be able to download your work from a memory stick or DVD

Summer Fayre
Following the success of the Christmas Fayre, Joe has kindly agreed to organise a Summer Fayre which will be happening very soon after the Easter holidays. Again we are asking for stall holders for this event as well as ideas and marquees! If you would like to run a stall to sell your own products, we will be asking for a donation of £20 for a stall or 15% of the stalls profits. If you would like to run a stall or have any ideas please contact Joe.

General Donations
If you would, or know someone who would like to make a donation towards the fundraising effort please contact myself or Joe and we can send you information on how to pay money into the fundraising account

The next fundraising meeting will be next Thursday (24th) at 1pm in the Opt-in Space, if you have any questions before then please do not hesitate to get in touch by replying to this e-mail.



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