The protest today in London against the student fee rise i must say, turned out to be massive. I didn't realise what the extent of the turnout would be- but London was totally jam packed. I actually watched the unfolding of the protest at work in the Estate agent on BBC news- i did have the intention to go to the march at my lunchtime, but it got cut short by me being late to work in the morning so the 20 min walk to trafalger square from mayfair seemed a bit pointless, I don't think i would have even got close because of the crowds. Of course, our uni being very close to Millbank tower meant that our college pretty much closed for the protest and everyone attended. It also hosted the port-a-loos for the protest. My boss thought the protest being at my college was hillarious and made up a very ellaborate story about how i had crept into the Millbank tower in the morning and had let down the security there so my fellow commrades could go and destroy and burn down the place... thats why i was late that morning, and also why i was at work- to give myself an alibi.
I did run back to college this evening after work and there were police everywhere, half the roads were taped off too, it made my journey home on the bus horrendous.
We were watching newsnight earlier- i cant say that us students were very well repesented. We'll have to see what effect the protest will have on the unfolding political desicions before i make a calculated opinion on what has happend.
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