Thursday, 30 September 2010

Setting up studio

As i presumed in my last blog- this week has been busy and draining. Tuesday was at college in the morning, enrollment started at 9.30am- but that's when myself and Anika got the train, to save the expense of the peak ticket. You forget how many people you know and like at college- until you all go so a scary shouty cafe in Pimlico and try to fit around one table... only to be shouted at not to sit at the table until you have ordered. This is the way of the shouty cafe 'TWO EGGS AND CHIPS!' That Tuesday evening i had to rush home for the Guides (This commuting is giving me a headache- we better find somewhere to live soon!)- Word had spread that i wasn't back at Uni yet, this week I covered the guides- last week i was covering the Brownies- it is quite nice to work with the different age ranges though- and i feel slightly more confident now that i know most of the girls from camping over the summer- the Brownies do ware you out though. All they seem to do is run and scream.
Anyway, following through with this week- yesterday i was at Rainbows, and today i had arranged to meet with a couple of people from our studio last year to talk about the new arrangement of the Opt-in Space.

We have been given a small extra room for the Opt-in Space this year- as the part time students are being given studio space, we have gained their project room. But what to do with this room is the challenge. The guys that met up had some really great ideas about ways of opening up the whole space without having to loose walls- As the 'guinea pigs' as such, for the space, they are really taking the initiative of what to do with it next (Since the creators left this June). The plan as of yet is still to be discussed with the new intake into the studio next week- but we have discussed breaking down some walls to let in some natural light, to have a centralised sofa/ working area and bring the the black space and blue room into one room. Also we may be given a projector to use in the space permanently, which is fantastic for shows etc and maybe we can use the small room as a bookable space for the people in Opt-in. The guys that came in are also really keen to start building their own furniture for the space as well as movable walls (This sounds amazingly difficult and i wish i had the woodwork capabilities to do it). I did have to mention though,  that not everyone else would be able to help with the furniture making. I say everyone- to be honest it's just me that doesn't have a clue how to do it. I can't wait now until next week to see who is moving to our studio. It is all very exciting. I think our emphasis for next week is to try and keep everyone included in discussion and get them excited about the space, whether they are a painter of video maker- they shouldn't feel like they can't use the space.

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