Sunday 16 January 2011

Second Hands


Do you feel strained by the thought of making work for the coming interim Show? Or feel as if you need a break to focus on other work, such as your dissertation?

Perhaps I can help?

For my input into the our week of the Interim Show i am lending my services to anyone participating- as a second pair of hands. Whether you need help constructing your work, thinking about and researching concepts, a second opinion on aesthetics or even just someone to run down to the shop for you to buy tea- I am on hand to be your second pair of hands!

If you would like help next week, i have a timetable of when i will be available where you will be able to book up to 2 hour sessions at a time (see below). Please e-mail or text and i will respond asap to try to suit all of your needs!*


Monday 10am- 5pm
Tuesday 10am-5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am -5pm

I am also on hand to help by e-mail, so do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions or concerns.

I hope I can Help!
Kind Regards


*Please note that i can only help to the best of my ability, physically and morally and although i will aim to give you the time that you desire for me to help, I may have to adjust your time if it clashes with another's booking.

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